Welcome to TPOT Hacks

December 28, 2024by Kamdyn

Welcome to TPOT Hacks! We're creating a space where developers can come together to work on fun projects as a team.

What is TPOT Hacks?

TPOT Hacks is a weekly collaborative coding session where we all work together on the same project. Think of it as a continuous hackathon where we:

  • Pick interesting features or challenges to work on
  • Code together, review each other's work
  • Learn from different approaches and styles
  • Build something cool as a team

How It Works

Each week, we:

  1. Announce the next feature or challenge we'll tackle
  2. Discuss approaches and ideas on Discord
  3. Work on our implementations
  4. Submit PRs and review each other's code
  5. Merge the best solutions and improvements
  6. Document what we learned in our blog

Getting Started

  1. Join our Discord server - this is where all the action happens
  2. Check out the current challenge
  3. Share your ideas and start coding
  4. Submit your PR when ready

Our Approach

Unlike traditional coding challenges where everyone works separately, we're building something together. Every PR and contribution makes our project better, and everyone gets to learn from each other's code.

I'll be acting as the project manager, helping to:

  • Coordinate our efforts
  • Review and merge PRs
  • Keep the project organized
  • Guide discussions and decisions

But remember - this is a team effort. Everyone's input matters, and we make decisions as a group. I won't be an overbearing project manager, but I will be here to help coordinate and guide the team. Anyone else with experience in project management is welcome to help out.

What We'll Build

We'll start with this website itself! It's open source, and we'll continuously improve it together.

Each week, we'll coordinate on the next hack we want to build.

Ready to start coding with us? Join our Discord and let's build something awesome together!